About the calculation of the data above: a year which is not a leap year has 365 days, whereas a leap year has 366 days. So a day in a leap year corresponds to about 0.273 percent of a year, and in a normal year to about 0.274 percent. Each year has 52 or 53 calendar weeks, depending on the day on which it begins. The first one, two or three days of a year can be in the last calendar week of the previous year. Likewise, the last one, two or three days can be in the first calendar week of the following year. There are seven different months in a year with 31 days and four different months with 30 days. One month, February, has 28 days in a normal year and 29 days in a leap year. Christmas is counted as December 25th, which is the 359th or 360th day of the year. A day has 24 hours, which is 1440 minutes, or 86400 seconds. A leap year is any year that is divisible by four without a remainder. This applies to the years from 1901 to 2099. The time used on this page is Central European Time (CET). If you are in a different time zone, it is possible that it is still the previous day or already the next day.